Friday, July 26, 2013

WordPress Speed Challenge – Make your WordPress blog faster!

Summary: The WordPress Speed Challenge is a series of posts & steps that help you speed up your WordPress blog. Say no to slow - Make your WordPress blog faster!

WordPress Speed Challenge1 WordPress Speed Challenge Make your WordPress blog faster!

Get ready...

Don't you find it annoying when you run into a blog that loads so slow that you feel like leaving before you get to read anything? - Have you thought that maybe your blog is "one of those" slow blogs?

Are you tired of your blog being so slow? Would you like your blog to be a lot faster, to deliver fast loading pages to keep your readers happy? Would you like to run your blog on cheap shared hosting until you can afford to pay for better hosting options?

Look no further and get ready...

...for the WordPress Speed Challenge!

This thing has been on my mind for quite some time, the thing I've been working on, a guide to help WordPress bloggers to speed up their blogs, making them load faster. I've spilled some details on this already and I've proven (on a video!) that it's possible to speed up WordPress, even on a shared hosting (and beat the big blogs with their fancy hostings and Content Delivery Networks while at it)...

My website speed and WordPress optimization -related posts have already been among the most popular posts of, but now it's time to take it to the next level. It's time for the WordPress Speed Challenge.

Help me... help you

I'm doing the WP Speed Challenge for two reasons

  1. To help WordPress bloggers speed up their slow blogs

  2. Get feedback on how this stuff works and how easy/hard it actually is

To help others is the reason why I started blogging in the first place, and getting feedback from you makes sure the stuff works, your questions are answered and I can make the stuff better and easier to follow.

I've spent the last 14 or so months looking for the best ways to speed up WP blog, I've now found them, but the challenge (for me) is to put all that, even that's it's relatively simple, out in a way that anyone can do it. Plus I know the results from my own WordPress blogs, I've gotten my home page to load in 1-2 seconds, but I want to know how the stuff works for other WordPress bloggers...

As some of you know, I've been working on my first product, an eBook about WordPress optimization, or more accurately about speeding up WordPress. The challenge is all about that. I'm giving the best stuff away for free in this challenge, even that many have told me I should sell this stuff.

After all this, I might or might not have anything up for sale, but at least I know I've helped all of you to make your WordPress blogs faster and helped you learn some important WordPress skills.

The WordPress Speed Challenge

The challenge is to

  1. check how fast (or SLOW!) your WordPress blog is now,

  2. follow the quick and easy steps I'll show you to make the blog faster,

  3. check how FAST your WP blog is after you've done the optimization, and finally

  4. see how much you managed to improve your blogs speed and send in the "Final Report" to finish the thing.

If you don't want to send in your results at the end, just follow along, speed up your WordPress blog and let your readers enjoy faster loading pages.

However, if you send in the results, you'll get a greater sense of accomplishment, your stats will serve the greater good in improving the optimization stuff I teach you, and help the WordPress community in the Quest for Speed. Plus you'll feel AWESOME afterwards - in addition to having a lightning fast WP blog!

Not sending the results, and only DRASTICALLY improving your blogs speed without helping the community is boring as HELL, but if you want to do this on your own, as said, that's cool too...

The WP Speed Challenge Overview

The challenge is about learning how to improve WordPress performance and making a self-hosted WordPress blog load faster. The challenge is primarily for bloggers with blogs on a shared hosting, even that the same optimization techniques do work on all kinds of hosting.

In short, the WP Speed Challenge will help you optimize your WordPress blog in a way that it will withstand huge amounts of traffic and load fast, even on the cheapest hosting. This way, you don't need to upgrade to more expensive options before you actually afford them.

You might not even know it, but a slow blog makes readers leave your blog even before the tracking system picks them up. Google has started using the speed as one factor for the search engine rankings. All in all, you are losing money with your slow blog.

Take the WP speed challenge and you don't have to worry about any of that.

Following through the WordPress Speed Challenge will save you money and it will make sure your blog will not be penalized by Google for loading too slowly - And your readers will appreciate your fast loading blog.

Here's what the WP Speed Challenge looks like

The first ever WordPress Speed Challenge spans over the upcoming posts on this blog. There will be worksheets and step-by-step guides to walk you through the optimization steps - and it's gonna be loads of fun.

This is the first time I've done this... heck, it's probably the first time anyone has done this for WordPress bloggers - so join the fun, spread the word and let's make all of our WordPress blogs optimized for speed...

Questions and Answers

Your question here? Leave a comment or send me a message using my contact form!

On your marks...

The challenge has now been announced, and it'll continue on the next post, getting your WordPress blogger's toolbox ready. Check that post out and subscribe to the blog via RSS or get the RSS via email to get more useful posts from this blog.

What do you think? Any comments about the challenge? Questions?

Begin the challenge with the preparation (get the tools every WordPress blogger needs) and move on to the step 1: analyzing the performance of your blog

Original post from Zemalf's Website optimization blog:

WordPress Speed Challenge – Make your WordPress blog faster!

via Make Your Own Website Tools Tips Tricks Best WordPress Hosting

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