Friday, July 26, 2013

How I (Nearly) Created My First Product in 3 Days

Summary: I listened to advice from Eben Pagan and Dave Navarro, took action and nearly created my first information product in 3 days. The hard part was getting started

I'm writing this post on the 26th of May, 2010. That's 3 days before this post will go out (and you can read it). Between the time I'm writing this and the time the post goes out (in 3 days), I have created a product, an eBook to be exact and put it out on sale.

As you read this, the product is available for sale (and I have edited the links to this post, so you can see what it is). As I'm writing this, I'm 3 days in the past from the moment the post goes out. I'm writing what will happen on those 3 days before I do it.

So in short, I'm writing this post, scheduling it to 3 days from now (which is in the past, as you read this), forcing myself to create a product in 3 days. - Now, I hope that didn't confuse you, as it sure did confuse me as I'm writing it :)

Here's the story on how I created my first product in 3 days...

...but decided to use a bit more time on it to make it great before putting it out there

I wrote the above intro in this post, scheduled this to go out at 29th of May 2010, putting myself on a tight deadline. It worked. Giving myself a 3-day ultimatum, I created a product, an eBook that helps people speed up their WordPress blogs.

But as I wrote the first version of the eBook, easily filling 20+ pages to it, I realized I had more to say that I could do in 3 days. So I started writing some more. I could've published the eBook right away, but I didn't. I wanted to put more effort into it (and not just update it after the initial launch).

However, I proved myself that I could create a product in 3 days.

The hard part was getting started - It took me nearly 32 years.

A Moment in Time

(I wrote some of the excerpts below on the 26th of May, when I wrote this post, scheduled it, putting myself on the 3-day leash, forcing myself to take action and create a product. As you read above, that didn't exactly happen, but it could've happened in 3 days - I just felt I needed to work on it a bit more.)

I don't know if you've been watching the free videos Eben Pagan has been putting out on his Guru Blueprint blog, but if you have, you know they are amazingly good. And inspiring! - On May 26th, 2010 at 9:02 PM, I left a comment on Eben's Guru Blueprint launch video number 3, Content is Cash:

"Eben, I want to thank you for these free videos. I needed this inspiration. I will take all this, create more awesome content and make my first product for sale within the next weeks.

I've only offered my services for hire this far, and now I know I can put all that into an information product and sell it. I will start small, but it'll grow from there. I'm ready for that now."

One Decision

My experience as an information product creator begun there. It was then and there when I decided I WILL create a product. I had played with the idea for over an year, but never started it. And it took me over an month, literally 35 days, after I had already kind-of-announced that I will create product in 40 days, to get started...

I was scared. I let self-doubt stop me.

But no more.

"It's gonna happen now. I'm gonna make it." - I said.

I re-visited the free reports from the library of Dave Navarro as part of his launch of a product called: Create Products That Sell, one of the reports is called How to start making real money with products in 3 days.

That's what I decided to do, watching Eben talking about content marketing, taking what I learned from the free reports I had downloaded from Dave...

To create a product in 3 days.

Taking Action... Finally!

The saddest thing...

(I mean c'mon. Really sad. So sad, I nearly fell into self-pity again for being such a slacker at times, but I stood up and decided the days of achieving nothing were over, I was gonna kick ass now)

...was that I had already purchased Mr. Navarro's Create Products That Sell workshop several weeks ago, when it was "soft launched" to the Third Tribe members, alongside another Building A Responsive List workshop (Dave cleverly calls them workshops, combining eBooks and video).

I hadn't even started on that material.

Has that happened to you?

You have buyed a product, but didn't use it? Buyed an information product, but didn't put it into action? As I'm writing this, I also decided that it was the last time I did that.

I would either pass on the buying or take massive action.

I will never, ever again buy something I don't put into use.

Now, it was time. I need(ed) to create my first product...

One Destiny

It was a decision that would change my life forever.

In 3 days, I would have had my first product on sale well on it's way, and ready within weeks...

Now it is only matter of finishing what I started.


2010-05-26: As mentioned in the beginning - I wrote majority of this post right after I left that comment on Eben's Guru Blueprint blog. I wrote this to be published on May 29th, 2010 at 9:02 PM, 3 days after I left the comment and decided to make a product. I saved this text as a draft in WordPress. The next day, I scheduled the post to go out on the 29th, 9:02 PM. It was the ultimatum. I was not going to delete this post. I was not going to stop the post from going out. It was going out in 2 and a half days, and I had a product to create. It worked amazingly well, but I decided to postpone putting the thing on sale a bit (just a bit).

2010-05-28: The links to Eben's and Dave's stuff are affiliate links. I figured it would be cool to promote them by putting their advice into use and make an information product for sale. No, my first product is not on sale just yet, but the free stuff from these two gentleman worked for me, they got me started, and even that I use 10 days on it, it'll be awesome. Anyway, I will make a commission on sale, if you decide to buy from them via my links, but more importantly, I will know you will get awesome stuff, as long as you put what you learn into action.

2010-05-30: If you're in similar situation, thinking about doing an information product, there are two things I want to tell you. Actually three.

First, don't think too much. Thinking about it too much is just you generating excuses so you don't actually need to do, or even start doing anything (and that's just you being lazy, smart lazy is good - not wasting time on stupid shit, but remember that doing less means doing less of stuff you don't really need to do, and DO MORE of the stuff you actually need and want to do).

Second, your fears will come into the way. FIGHT those fears, BANISH them and you are unstoppable. Close the fear of work into the closet and just do what you set yourself to do. Creating an information product is WORK. Do it one TINY step at a time, don't look the whole, MASSIVE thing.

Focus on writing one thing at a time. Write an outline. Write one paragraph about X. Write one page about Y. Repeat. Put it out there. What's the worst thing that could happen?

Last, poke the fear of rejection and any other doubt into the eyes, and kick it while it's down. You can do it. You will do it. You will CRUSH it. If you need re-assurance, reach out to others in similar situation and you'll see yourself being carried to the finish line. Do it on Twitter, do it by leaving a comment on this post - you are not alone.

Original post from Zemalf's Website optimization blog:

How I (Nearly) Created My First Product in 3 Days

via Make Your Own Website Tools Tips Tricks Best WordPress Hosting

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