Friday, July 26, 2013

WordPress Easter Egg – Spoiler free guide for finding it

Summary: Deep inside the WordPress core, there lies a hidden secret, an easter egg, waiting for bloggers to find it when they least expect it....

Unfortunately, no one can be told what the WordPress Easter Egg is.

You have to see it for yourself.

Easter Eggs in WordPress?

Have you run into the WordPress easter egg? In case you haven't, I'll show you how to find it without spoiling the surprise and tell what the easter egg is.

This one has been in the WordPress for quite some time (since 2.6 I think), but not very many people even know it exists. And even less have found it.

When I watched the State of the Word 2010 video by Matt Mullenweg, he mentioned the easter egg in the video (as there are new surprises coming in the WordPress 3.0), so it was a good time to make a post about it...

Is it secret? Is it safe?

It is possible that you will run into this yourself, even that the circumstances that are required to find the easter egg are pretty rare... If you want to save the surprise, DO NOT read the rest of this post.

But I won't spoil the actual surprise by telling anything about the easter egg, just how you can find it. If you'd like to see how to find the hidden run in WordPress, scroll down...

(I added some white space and dots below for those who don't want to read how to find the WordPress easter egg)











This is the last chance to turn back if you don't want to know how to find the easter egg...










OK, this is quite simple actually...

The WordPress Easter Egg

You need to have WP Post Revisions enabled. The revision management is ON by default, so unless you have specifically disabled them, you're good to go.

(As it is good practice to disable post revisions to optimize WordPress database, it is possible that you have disabled them. In case you have disabled the post revisions, go enable them temporarily (in the wp-config.php), then continue)

To see what happens...

  • Go to the Dashboard of your WordPress blog

  • Go to any post with revisions

  • On the Edit post screen... Scroll down to find the Post Revisions

  • Click on a revision (ignore the "restore" on the right)

  • On the revision preview screen, scroll down, and find the "Compare Revisions" part

  • (1) Select the same revision on both columns, and

  • (2) hit "Compare Revisions"

WordPress easter egg WordPress Easter Egg Spoiler free guide for finding it

There you go, now you know how...

Go try it out, I think that was pretty damn cool.

Don't spoil the fun for others

Please don't reveal the easter egg in the blog comments here - it's much more fun to see what happens without knowing what to expect...

You are, of course, free to share how to find the WordPress easter egg, like I have done here, so if you liked this post, I'd love to see you link back here and use the buttons below to bookmark and share this post with your WordPress using friends.

Original post from Zemalf's Website optimization blog:

WordPress Easter Egg – Spoiler free guide for finding it

via Make Your Own Website Tools Tips Tricks Best WordPress Hosting

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