Friday, July 26, 2013

May 2010 Awesomeness

Summary: In May 2010, the traffic to increased by nearly 100% with 50% increase in search engine traffic and one awesome spike from Holy Kaw -feature.

May 2010 - Best month so far

May was an amazing month for me. My post on how to optimize images for web got featured at Holy Kaw, resulting in the biggest traffic spike this blog has seen so far. (over 6500 views and 70+ re-tweets at Holy Kaw: How to optimize images for the web, resulted to roughly 1000 visits to my blog)

zemalf dot com traffic on may 2010 compared to april 2010 May 2010 Awesomeness

My traffic stats are public at SeeTheStats:, where you can see the nice spike around 16th and 17th of May. In total, traffic to the blog increased by nearly 100% during May. Yes - 100%.

That means I doubled my traffic from April to May 2010. Traffic increased this much because of the traffic spike from the Holy Kaw exposure, and more importantly, because search engine traffic increasing by 50% from about 1700 to over 2600 a month.

Bounce rate is still crap, and there's loads of room for improvement on average page views and time spent on site, but the first target is to get people in here, so I'm happy.

zemalf dot com search engine traffic on may 2010 compared to april 2010 May 2010 Awesomeness

All in all, my efforts in improving SEO has started to pay off. 50% increase in search engine traffic is awesome. Most of that came from Google.

Part of the good results come from writing more content on May, which both increased rankings, because Google likes fresh content, but also because I started slowly building some links to the blog.

This goes on to show that my on-page SEO, overall blog SEO and writing SEO friendly posts has been on good level, just waiting for the off-page SEO to get going.

June 2010 Busyness

On May, I nearly created my first product, I kinda promised that the product in question, an eBook on how to speed up WordPress will be out soon...

Unfortunately June is extremely busy time for me, and because of various things I can't fully keep the momentum going. I'm still trying to get the eBook out as soon as I can, but it'll have to wait for couple of weeks because of number of things. Most likely it'll come out at the end of the month or beginning of July.

I'm facing changes in my day job, finishing an on-going project with big release and moving on to new job role and part of the organization at the same time. An amateur theater play I'm in premieres on Friday, with shows every other day for couple of weeks.

With three graduation in the family last weekend, and not getting any blog-stuff done on the weekend as I usually do, and the next weekend going to the theater and the shows, blog stays behind. After two weeks however, I'll be coming back strong. Or that's the plan anyhow.

Not blogging or putting things on paper for two weeks easily results in procrastination and lack of motivation which has happened to me twice during the last year... This time however, it'll be much easier to get back on the horse after seeing such a great results on May...

How did things go for you on May? And how's things looking for June?

Original post from Zemalf's Website optimization blog:

May 2010 Awesomeness

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