Friday, July 26, 2013

How to Backup and Optimize the WordPress Database

Summary: On the step 2 of the WordPress Speed Challenge we're gonna automatically backup and optimize the WordPress Database. This is important before doing any changes.

WordPress Speed Challenge - Step 2

As a preparation for the challenge, we installed the essential tools every blogger needs, and on the first step of the WordPress Speed Challenge, we analyzed the blog performance, and saved the results from YSlow, Page Speed and total loading time via Pingdom to a spreadsheet or a text file.

If you are new to this, begin by reading the WordPress Speed Challenge introduction and work through the preparation and step 1 before moving on.

After getting the tools and initial baseline from the analysis metrics, we move to the WordPress optimization steps. The first optimization step, and the step 2 in the WordPress Speed Challenge, is backing up and optimizing WordPress database .

More about security than speed

Having regular and automatic backups will ensure that your precious work is not lost in case something breaks (or worse, your site gets hacked or something). Because of this, I included the backup as a part of the WP Speed Challenge, even that the backup itself has very little to do with speeding up WordPress - Although it will be signicantly faster to restore a backup than re-write each and every blog post on your blog if the original data is lost...

With the WP-DBManager -plugin we can take the backup, and we can schedule it as well, making the backups automatic. And since on the challenge, we're optimizing our WordPress for speed, we get a chance to automatically optimize the WordPress DB as well.

The speed benefit of the database optimization with the plugin is not significant, unless you have an older blog with lots of unused data in the database. Thus, don't expect this to make your blog faster, but I'm sure you understand how important it is to have backups from your blog - the optimization is just a little bonus on top of having your hard work saved in case something goes wrong.

Action: Backup and optimize WordPress database

See how you can easily have a piece of mind that your blogs data is safe by using couple of minutes to set the automated backups and optimization with my instructions.

Here's what you should do NOW:

  1. Install the WP-DBManager -plugin

  2. Backup the WordPress Database with the plugin

  3. Optimize the WordPress Database with the plugin

  4. Configure automatic backup and optimization for the future

Read the full step-by-step instructions here: How to automatically backup and optimize WordPress database.

Next in the WP Speed Challenge

After analyzing the performance and backing up and optimizing the WordPress database, the next step in the WordPress Speed Challenge is to edit your WordPress htaccess, and then do the ultimate optimization tweak that will make your blog REALLY FAST - installing the W3 Total Cache -plugin.

Original post from Zemalf's Website optimization blog:

How to Backup and Optimize the WordPress Database

via Make Your Own Website Tools Tips Tricks Best WordPress Hosting

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