Friday, July 26, 2013

A blog between something and everything

What if I told you that this blog is not just about Internet marketing, WordPress or SEO? Yes, there is a lot here. Is there a method behind the madness?

After my post about never making money online, I got a couple of unsubscribes (email subscribers). That's OK and normal, people unsubscribe, but because it was timely with the post, I'm guessing the topic had something to do with this...

I started wondering if all the awesome readers and subscribers of this blog really know what I do and what I'm about? Some have read my About-page, but not nearly everyone. And to be honest, I don't want to scare people on the About-page with all the things I do and write about, just the highlights...

As I have variety of topics covered here (yeah, yeah, you should niche down and focus), one might think I'm a one-trick-pony, depending on what page they originally landed on, read and decided to subscribe and continue reading...

If one came here because they read my W3 Total Cache -guide and read my posts on how to speed up WordPress, they'd know that I know

  • WordPress

  • Website optimization

But would they know I'm into affiliate marketing and earning money through the Internet? Would they know I'm interested in personal development, getting things done, and have written post or two about personal productivity.

Would they know that I love efficient tools and ways of working like using a blog post buffer, and have shared tips on how to use Google Reader like a pro? They probably wouldn't, unless they'd read my top posts page or browsed through my blog archives.

That's the problem with being jack of all trades, a generalist.

If one would land on my blog and first read the perfect permalink structure study or the WordPress permalinks guide, they'd know I'm deep into WordPress and the tech behind it all, and also that I do in-depth research for the stuff I write and don't take the easy to road to find the right answers.

On the other hand, coming in through the guide on how to connect your social media profiles or the top 7 must-use social networking sites, one might think I'm just one of the "social media coaches" you see around.

If they left right away, they wouldn't see my Beyond Blogging book review or my take on the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog workbook, which both reveal that I don't half-ass anything here, including the reviews (which are microformatted with hReview mind you, something I definitely should write about).

If one landed on my posts about blog SEO, keyword research or how to get indexed in Google in 6 hours or less, they'd also know I'm interested and know a lot about

But they wouldn't necessarily know that I like optimizing images and htaccess rules to make websites faster? Or that I'm a big fan the ultra-optimized Google Analytics' async tracking code?

If the first post one would read here was little advice on getting nowhere or do less, well they'd know I can be pretty damn lazy blogger at times and that I'm not afraid to admit that I have failed or made mistakes. Or that I'm occasionally tired of the games we play and stupid **** we do just because everyone else is.

Those who've read the last post on why some people never make money online, might not know that it's really about making time, not money for me and that I'm not looking to get rich (quick or not), but rich enough.

And with all that marketing talk, it might not be apparent to an occasional reader that I don't just know WordPress, but PHP as well, and have posted neat tricks like how to show RSS subscriber or Twitter follower counts as plain text.

If someone read my comments on some other blog and ended here as a result, they'd know I that like blog commenting, but would they know that they were exposed to the advanced blog commenting tricks I've used to drive traffic and links to my blog?

Those who've read this blog from the start, or know my story before I started this blog, would also know that I'm into gaming, XBox 360, World of Warcraft, EVE Online and stuff, although all my gaming posts have since been moved from this blog to my gaming blog (to reduce the variety of topics even a little).

  • I don't expect people to go through my whole blog and all the links in this post, but I wanted to share you a bit about what I write here on the blog, since it's a lot.

  • I write about things I'm interested in and things I do. They're all somewhat related to blogging, Internet marketing and using different methods to do online business and make money.

  • I don't limit myself to any one tool, system or tactic, even that I do specialize in WordPress, SEO and website optimization in general (that's a wider topic than just speed btw).

So don't expect me to write just about WordPress, just about SEO or focus only on making faster websites. Don't expect me to write only about making money or marketing. That's just not who I am. I like to study and learn a wide variety of topics, and share those experiences with you. There's so many things I want and can do that being a generalist is the my way.

I write about and help people with wide variety of things related, but not limited to Internet marketing, WordPress and SEO. I wrote this post to shed a light on the broad spectrum of topics I'm interested about.

If all that is cool with you, you subscribe and read this blog. If not, wander away, and I welcome you back the day when something I've written is useful and helpful to you.

In addition to reading this blog, you can connect with me via my Facebook page, follow me via Twitter and check out my YouTube channel.

Original post from Zemalf's Website optimization blog:

A blog between something and everything

via Make Your Own Website Tools Tips Tricks Best WordPress Hosting

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